~ "C"
We do our Spring Cleaning in many parts. It starts with our closets. Then the drawers and cabinet, tossing out stuff that we don't need anymore and for sure won't be put to use in the next years. I obsess with the toiletries underneath the bathroom sinks, and food and condiments and spices inside the pantry. Good thing we're extra-vigilant with the food and make sure to use them before they expire. It feels such a waste when we discover food that are expired and needing to toss them out.

"Inside out", that's the key. We make sure to clean everything that sits in ever nook and cranny, before we proceed with cleaning what is outside. That means, pushing all the furniture aside to pick up dust and crud that accumulated and then double-vacuuming and steam-mopping the floors.

Third is the cosmetic part. We update the interior design of our little castle. I am thinking of changing our curtains this time, and updating our plants too.

Fourth, we go to the garage and re-organize our storage shelves to make sure that everything is on the assigned location and bins. There are some spurts of hectic days in our lives due to our busy social schedule which make us end up "temporarily"NOT returning things in the right place. It's that time of the year to put things back in the proper place.

Fifth, we make a trip to Goodwill and Salvation Army to donate what we are not going to use anymore. And have a receipt for tax deduction. Teehee!

It's going to be summer soon and we just got done with Part One of our Spring Cleaning process. tonight. Our closets are back to immaculate condition. But we're lagging. We've had such a busy schedule the past weeks. I'm sure we'll find time again this weekend.

Meanwhile, it's time to rest. We have a movie on and the hubs and I are just chilling. That is, in between tweeting and blipping (for me), and the hubs surfing the net for car parts (he needs to find nissan accessories for his nephew tonight)and cleaning his online fish tank. Yes, you read it right, online.

Which reminds me, we need to spring clean our laptops too.

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1 Response
  1. I normally learn to clean the house by watching Clean House!LOL.

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