~ "C"

A few more days and it's officially SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have summer activities and programs lined up for your kids already?

I hope so!

Video games have taken over and because of that, children are participating in fewer physical activities. Too early to end up assuming a sedentary lifestyle, don't you think? With only the fingers moving on a game controller, with the rest of the body vegetating and channeling a retired/not yet retired pot-bellied internet-surfing couch potato. Too early in my opinion. Too early to start aspiring for unhealthy bodies when they are at the peak of their energy bursts and physical potential.

Not only that, do you realize how unhealthy the impact is on social development as well? While growing up, one shouldn't just be expected to develop mentally or intellectually, but there must be strong emphasis made on physical as well as social development. That is what make future well-rounded individuals who will be mature and responsible enough to lead the world, and take care of they own selves and their peers when the time comes.

You may check out the rec centers near you for martial arts, dance, swimming and other sports. Come school time, this will be taken care of by the coordinated school health program such as the PEP grant 2010 and Spark PE.

An active body and a busy lifestyle training will arm the kids with the strength and discipline necessary for the rigors of real life eventually. And the social interaction makes them better people...better friends. The health bonus is a plus too. And when the mind is occupied with something productive, that translates to the physical well-being, the person develops a good focus in life and sticking to a productive schedule instead of being swayed by bad habits and vices.

It's all for the welfare of our children. Surely, the sacrifices of shuttling them from one physical activity to another will pay off in the future. It will help us adults keep moving too.

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