~ "C"
And the first one ever too.

Bingkee of I Love/Hate America gave me this award and I'm so grateful. I've originally linked up with Bingkee through my first site Coffee, Anyone? and followed through since then.

Aaah....the joys of blogging. The little but so important pleasures of being recognized in the vast blogosphere!

And now, WITH SO MUCH SINCERITY (not that I've ever been insincere...), I am passing this on to TWO INTERESTING BLOGS. Really great wit. And so much fun!

The Breathing Post

And oh....I almost forgot!

Here's the award!

Now, if I can only bribe you guys to repost this on your sites and say something about me. Some incoherent babble will do. *LOL*

And oh,

~ "C"
Someone emailed this to me. I thought it's really beautiful so I am going to share it with y'all.

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~ "C"
Great potential for a book title, eh?

Boy, he cracked me up!

Good thing he didn't show the crack!

Nope, this isn't one of those clips from World's Funniest Commercials, nor a feature from Punk'd. This is an actual war document. And if you're curious, you may read up on the complete story of this army soldier in eastern Afghanistan who drew media attention this month after rushing to defend his post from attack while wearing pink boxer shorts and flip-flops by clicking on the photo above or here.

An incredible innovation in pyschological warfare, indeed.

He is Army Specialist Zachary Boyd from Fort Worth, Texas, eager to defend his post from attack, rushed from his sleeping quarters on May 11 to join fellow platoon members at a base in Afghanistan's Kunar Province after the unit came under fire from Taliban positions. I still think that was the purest show of dedication to one's mission.

He cracked me up, but WHY AM I NOW IN TEARS???

Zachary is only 19 years old, like a lot of our soldiers who are still half-boys and half-men. Half-kid, half grown-up, with so much future ahead, and who hasn't even lived 50% of the average life in this world. Zachary, like the others, is still for the most part a son, and most likely not even a father himself -- yet.

Please, dear God, DON'T LET HIM BE ANOTHER STATISTIC down the road...

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~ "C"
...how much so many strangers have helped me in so many ways here in the blogosphere and out. Such a blessing, right?

And then I reflected, have I actually contributed anything myself? Have I actually helped anyone lately? In what way?


I can't think of any. And that's not a good thing.

Now, if you're reading this, and you think that I have "within my powers" to help you out -- give me a holler! I can give sound advices, share recipes, cheer you up, help you with homework, draw cartoons, analyze your boyfriend, answer your questions (trust me, even Dr. Ruth will be insecure with me -- just kidding!) , give opinions to your blog, your photo (I'm subtle), your project....make sushi, dance the Moonwalk and Roger Rabbit (like you care...), drive a stick, hop on one foot, shoot a 45 (but don't ask me to kill your spouse's ex), raise my eyebrows alternately, give virtual hugs and kisses (but that's it!), perform pre-school magic tricks, boil water, astral travel (yeah right)...



I just feel that I need to give back to the world all the blessings that I have been showered with.

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~ "C"
I'm bouncing off the walls. I'm floating on air. I'm clapping with the soles of my feet.

I blog-hopped today.

But I'm not sure if it's going to do anything good to my site's popularity. Since I managed to hop only to one site! But that's a milestone. If I hop to one, once a day, 365 people will discover my genius in one year! 366 if it's a leap year.

Tortoise speed...Ack!

Kaye (RandomWAHMThoughts-Wahmaholic-Buttons-Kaye) suggested that I go to her website and sign up in the directories that she registered with. I think I'm going to do just that. I just wish I had more time to really take things seriously.

Anyway, if you're struggling with a new blogsite like me, you'd definitely find this useful:

Hecka useful!!!

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~ "C"
I am!

My blogfriend Kaye, the very talented and witty young woman behind:
RandomWAHMThoughts and WAHMaholic,

has made me buttons for my three blogsites. I am very satisfied with her designs because she captured what I wanted to the finest detail. While some people have a tendency to lean to a certain design style, Kaye's prowess is versatile -- from whimsical to clean and classic lines, elegant, playful or vintage, to even serious and gory (perhaps, if you want it that way). And for a very very good deal. So if you need some help like I did, click on the two buttons above and get her attention quick!

Anyway, I've been feeling really low lately and the delivery of the buttons lightened up my spirits, I liken it to receiving a grape-flavored lollipop (my favorite) as a kid...a chocolate crunch drumstick...a happy meal toy...a colossal box of Crayola, a picnic at the beach (minus the sunblock).

You see, bUtToNs r OnE Of mY fAVoRIte tHinGS nOW!!!

And here are my first ones courtesy of Kaye:

Yes, yes, yes! GRAB 'EM (not drop 'em) WHILE THEY'RE HOT!

I'm going to start posting buttons of blogfriends here on my Wonder Wifey site. If you want to exchange buttons/links with me, just drop me a comment, send me a message on my tagboard, light a flare --bright lights attract me, or better yet, the most convenient and quickest way is to leave me your code or link right away and just grab mine (from this post or from one of the columns on the right -- I haven't decided yet).

Yes yes yes please grab me!!! *LOL*

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~ "C"
This isn't original but I hope you find this useful as much as I did.


I'm still very busy building my new business. The potential is really great and the amount of investment has gone to a third of the original.

If you are curious, give me a holler. Or shoot me an email at linkmaster@wonderwifey.com.

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