~ "C"
And the first one ever too.

Bingkee of I Love/Hate America gave me this award and I'm so grateful. I've originally linked up with Bingkee through my first site Coffee, Anyone? and followed through since then.

Aaah....the joys of blogging. The little but so important pleasures of being recognized in the vast blogosphere!

And now, WITH SO MUCH SINCERITY (not that I've ever been insincere...), I am passing this on to TWO INTERESTING BLOGS. Really great wit. And so much fun!

The Breathing Post

And oh....I almost forgot!

Here's the award!

Now, if I can only bribe you guys to repost this on your sites and say something about me. Some incoherent babble will do. *LOL*

And oh,

6 Responses
  1. Sara Says:

    Thank you so much!!!!
    Congrats on your award:)
    Have a great day

  2. Aria Says:

    Thank you Clarisse! I am honored and I'll be happy to exchange badges... probably Friday... I've been sick, as I posted, and the house is such a wreck, that it's going to take me most of tomorrow to clean it (yikes!!) But I'll get back on my normal blog schedule Friday and I'll be doing some work and updates etc. Also, you're going on the blogroll, great place you've got here! Ciao for now, and thanks again!

  3. ~ "C" Says:

    Thank you, Sara and Aria! I'm over the moon!

  4. bingkee Says:

    Most oftentimes, your blog interests me that is why I'm passing it to you. Congrats....keep up the good work.

  5. Sierra Says:

    Congrats! Way to go on an award! Yahoo!

  6. pehpot Says:

    oh that two site is very interesting too.. I love Arias wit and Sara's antics

    Make or Break

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