~ "C"
...how much so many strangers have helped me in so many ways here in the blogosphere and out. Such a blessing, right?

And then I reflected, have I actually contributed anything myself? Have I actually helped anyone lately? In what way?


I can't think of any. And that's not a good thing.

Now, if you're reading this, and you think that I have "within my powers" to help you out -- give me a holler! I can give sound advices, share recipes, cheer you up, help you with homework, draw cartoons, analyze your boyfriend, answer your questions (trust me, even Dr. Ruth will be insecure with me -- just kidding!) , give opinions to your blog, your photo (I'm subtle), your project....make sushi, dance the Moonwalk and Roger Rabbit (like you care...), drive a stick, hop on one foot, shoot a 45 (but don't ask me to kill your spouse's ex), raise my eyebrows alternately, give virtual hugs and kisses (but that's it!), perform pre-school magic tricks, boil water, astral travel (yeah right)...



I just feel that I need to give back to the world all the blessings that I have been showered with.

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7 Responses
  1. kaye Says:

    here's what. you can help me by learning photoshop and illustrator so you can be a biz partner in our planned web art store (we plan to sell templates, buttons, headers, signatures and stuff). i already bought the domain yesterday. its artbymoms.com pero its still propagating. i will design the site myself. if you are interested, email mo ko. hehehe. i will provide the software needed. everything. :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    You've already given me a boost!!
    Thank you : )

    Hmmm 'spose you can't do my dishes over the net, eh? lol

  3. ~ "C" Says:

    For Cymbria: First of, NICE NAME! And I'm a big fan. I'm sorry I can't do your dishes. But I can mail you a ShamWow!

  4. Sara Says:

    Hi Claire
    I would love to exhange llinks with you! I have you on my blogroll, I am follwoing you on this blog and I have your buttons. I wanted to follow you on your other blogs but couldnt find where to follow? Let me know and I will follow those two, I am guessing it was right in front of me and I missed it!
    Have a great day

  5. ~ "C" Says:

    I want to help!!! I can photoshop! I'm not sure about Illustrator though...
    The problem is...TIME! =( *sigh* oh shucks, I think I'm gonna fail this helping thang...

  6. Cindy Says:

    Hi:) I love your blog! You're funny and very talented. I'm just looking around because I just started blogging as well and I wanted to thank you for the encouragement.

  7. Cindy Says:

    Here's my page btw...



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