~ "C"
I am!

My blogfriend Kaye, the very talented and witty young woman behind:
RandomWAHMThoughts and WAHMaholic,

has made me buttons for my three blogsites. I am very satisfied with her designs because she captured what I wanted to the finest detail. While some people have a tendency to lean to a certain design style, Kaye's prowess is versatile -- from whimsical to clean and classic lines, elegant, playful or vintage, to even serious and gory (perhaps, if you want it that way). And for a very very good deal. So if you need some help like I did, click on the two buttons above and get her attention quick!

Anyway, I've been feeling really low lately and the delivery of the buttons lightened up my spirits, I liken it to receiving a grape-flavored lollipop (my favorite) as a kid...a chocolate crunch drumstick...a happy meal toy...a colossal box of Crayola, a picnic at the beach (minus the sunblock).

You see, bUtToNs r OnE Of mY fAVoRIte tHinGS nOW!!!

And here are my first ones courtesy of Kaye:

Yes, yes, yes! GRAB 'EM (not drop 'em) WHILE THEY'RE HOT!

I'm going to start posting buttons of blogfriends here on my Wonder Wifey site. If you want to exchange buttons/links with me, just drop me a comment, send me a message on my tagboard, light a flare --bright lights attract me, or better yet, the most convenient and quickest way is to leave me your code or link right away and just grab mine (from this post or from one of the columns on the right -- I haven't decided yet).

Yes yes yes please grab me!!! *LOL*

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1 Response
  1. best to attach the buttons in the sidebar of your respective sites para kahit this entry is already in your archives, people can still grab them right away :)

    i'll be adding these up in my two sites above, too :)

    btw, i already replaced the button for wahmaholic. hehehe. the new one's already up, so if you have time, drop in there. the site's got a new look too *grins*

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