~ "C"
Whenever I send an entry via email, it displays big and small fonts as if the paragraphs picked up some random unpredictable mood swings. LOL.

I'm okay with that, as long as it's not me or anyone else around me who has the mood swings.  I've been less busy this weekend, so far the only thing that interrupted my moment of "blankness" was a friend calling about this medicare ageny for sale which might be important to some people even if it bears no relevance (at the moment) for me.

After a little bit of technical discussion (mostly ohs and ahs from me), she hang up.  I believe she realized that it's better to talk to the people at the brokerage firm than waste her time on me whose idea of conversation for the day was why the hummingbird in my backyard went back to its nest a month ago and laid two eggs....only to never come back.
~ "C"

Made this for my Mother's Day card for my mom.

Inside, it says:
A little labor of love,
for my Epitome of Love... you!

There's something special about hummingbirds for us because I had a mommy hummigbird lay two eggs in our backyard while mom and dad were on vacation with us last year. They were able to see them hatch and grow until they were ready to leave the nest... (Mailing it today, hope it makes it on time)

~ "C"

I made this yesterday because the hubs requested for it.  I made a huge one because I know that a small one won't be enough.  Leftovers to use sometime in the same week free up a day for me where I won't have to cook, and thus I can do other things my hyperactive crazy mind is wont to plot.  But I already got my plans in my head.  I'll experiment on Shepherd's Pie Empanada during the weekend.  Hmmm, sounds promising!  I'll let you know what happens.

This is a healthier option by the way.  Instead of ground beef, I used turkey since we try to avoid red meat whenever we can.  But trust me, you won't even be able to tell.  The secret?  A teaspoon of chili powder, lots of ground black pepper, paprika and cayenne.  If ground turkey is cooked this way (in garlic and chopped onions too of course), you'll end up thinking that it's beef.  It makes it marry the stewed tomatoes well, and the corn.  


Oh, are you ready for the Royal Wedding?  As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to try to stay up and watch the live telecast tonight after midnight.  That way, I feel like I'm there in spirit and really a part of history.  And I'm dying to see THE DRESS!!!  Never mind if I doze off at work and end up with a crappy Friday.  We'll see....
Here's the link to the Live Feed and the schedule if you're interested.

Save this page: http://royalwedding.yahoo.com/blogs/live-on-yahoo-the-royal-wedding-5843

*luv always*
~ "C"
I feel like I need more inspiration in my art studio aka Wifey's Cave.  It's on its way to being a pigsty if you ask me.  Ever since I got back from my December-January vacay, we've so far dumped everything that is unsorted in that room and I can't use it for my painting and other crafts.  It is the main goal of my spring cleaning this year since every part of the house is clean and organized.  Go figure.  Everything else is dumped in my cave and I'm not enjoying it.  

Everything is actually all set and situated, except for knick-knacks strewn around, occupying my much needed workspace.  I think I'm going to put more wall shelves for my paint bottles, brushes and every arts and crafts goop known to man. 

I need empty spaces to make room for creative juices to flow.  I need more inspiration.  Right now, it is decorated in a coastal theme but it seems like it is still missing something (theme Wall Stickers perhaps? other related thingamajigs?), and overflowing with the unnecessary.

Oh, and I need room to sit down.  The seats and other corners are currently occupied by half-finished canvases and the like. I want a makeover. I want to convert my little heaven from blaaaah to aaaah!

When will I ever have the time to finish it all???
~ "C"
It seems that all that I need right now are in this website called Become.com 

They not only sell sonicare replacement heads which I badly need for my teeth which have recently become problematic as I've ranted about in the past posts (I think I have 5-6 more dental appointments to contend with *boohoo!*), but they sell arthritis gloves as well which I need though I don't have arthritis.  My hands get a little achy when it's cold (beginning Arthritis? HOPEFULLY NOT!) especially overnight and I hate the feeling.  My hands are precious to me because of my artistic pursuits.  Seriously, I cannot imagine life without my hands being able to execute every creative project my hyperactive mind conceptualizes.  

I remember one time when it got so bad I cried to the hubs about my hands.  I was bawling.  But I guess half of it was PMS and hormones.  Nonetheless, that's how affected I get.  Since then, I found relief in wearing the typical knitted gloves at night or when it gets too cold, even around the house.  The downside of these ordinary gloves though is that even the fingertips are covered.  This made me realize how important the fingertips are.  To name a few, you can't do this with thick gloves covering the fingertips: Operate any touch screen gadget like the iPad and iPhone (which are essential to me), flip pages on a book without struggling to bits, hold hands with the hubs at night to fall asleep, apply night time moisturizer on the face, write or sketch anything....or even scratch anything!

One thing with arthritis gloves, they keep the hands warm, while keeping the fingertips free to do their duty.

I know I'm beginning to sound so infomercial-ish...but seriously, my hands are my partners in crime.  Gotta luv it!

~ "C"
Here's my tweet earlier:

Pie in the oven, 2 article deadlines, a marketing plan, a tiny toothache...and I wanted to sleep early to stay up for THE WEDDING tomorrow!:(

That about summed up my thoughts and feelings tonight.  So far so good, except for my toothache which followed the dental work done on me last Saturday.  I wonder why it still hurts. My dentist literally pounded and dug and drilled on my molar like I.WAS.MADE.OF.STEEL  which of course isn't the case.And which of course, left me bruised on my chin and cheek because he pushed the new porcelain on what remained of my poor tooth.

If this persists, I'm going to go back to him.  It doesn't feel right.  I wonder if there was some negligence on his part....should I get the compensation calculator now and estimate my medical negligence compensation ? Hehehe. Just kidding.  Although I do know of some services that help people who are victims of negligence. 
Even a no win no fee deal. 

But really, all I want right now is to have my tooth situation back to normal so I don't have to deal with pain anymore.  Because I know that porcelain onlays are as permanent as a sealed deal unless you I submit myself to drilling, digging and poking all over again.  I seriously don't want to live with this kind of pain forever.

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~ "C"
Is Angry Birds classified as one of those skill games?

If you haven't heard of it, you must have been living under a rock.  I wouldn't have heard of it if the hubs didn't bother me each night with the scream of angry birds hitting a target. He plays it all the time! I tried it once and realized that it needed more than sliding your finger on the screen in an effort to toss the birds slingshot style to skillfully hit targets and topple over obstacles.  Not for me.  I don't have that much skills, period.  Or I'll be kinder to myself, I don't the luxury of time to sit down and play the game.

But if you're someone like the hubs, I'm very sure you'll appreciate it.  I think it's his own stress-buster after a hard days work.  Some people seek online skill games as well.  I know that they are really popular these days because you'll even find sites dedicated to them everywhere on the net.  I think it is mentally stimulating anyway.  Different games require different skills and challenges.  You'll find them free online but there are paid ones as well.  For those serious enough....they pay to compete. Those online sites are really helpful.  You can choose what you want and then off you go.
I want to be skilled at one online game at least, and be able to tell the world that.
But for now,  I might try to get my feet wet with Angry Birds....at least in playing a game somehow. Bejeweled in the past....then Angry Birds soon....then, maybe adopt a cool nickname and play with other people one day.  One that doesn't challenge the reflexes that much!


~ "C"
Just dropping by to say Happy Easter!

I'm having a very busy Easter Weekend....

a party and an after-party that lasted til past midnight last night.....

then church this morning....

now waiting for our Apple jerk spiced chicken to cook (while I watch Angelina Jolie bust those stunts in Salt) then off we go to a late luncheon at my cuzzos....

You think it stops there? We have one more party for dinner.....

Having a blast nonetheless....

Happy Easter, everyone!

Sent from my iPhone

~ "C"

I made Pancit Sotanghon for dinner tonight!

Cheers to good health, long life, happiness, love, prosperity, joy, peace and lotsa lotsa blessings!

~ "C"
I guess I've told you about the "minor" quake we experienced earlier.  My entire desk and cubicle shook in one quick jolt which was over before I even finished processing the event in my head and realized what was happening.  The only question I remember asking during that split second was..".Did my co-worker fall against the wall from the the other side of my cube again?".  And then, googling and a couple of minutes after, we learned that it was a 3.7.  Hopefully, the last to be felt by moi in a few years again considering that the last one was in '08 sometime around Halloween.

You want to know how paranoid I was after that? I actually debated on cancelling my monthly massage appointment thinking that I didn't want to be caught naked on a massage table when one of those seismic surprises strikes and the immediate thing we need to do is flee.  And what do you know, I cancelled anyway since my favorite masseuse wasn't in anyway.  I'll probably reschedule to this weekend. 

It was a good thing because I got home early and I was able to help my stepdaughter with her  speech project and PowerPoint presentation. I really enjoy it anyway because it helps stimulate my mental faculties and be up to date with information. 

And it feels good to be able to help.  College can be really tough, especially with a full load.  I know some students even rely on custom papers online .   In my daughter's case, I'm custom papers mama-line.


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~ "C"

I wish it was some academic number.  But we just had one of those seismic jolts that left me catatonic for a few minutes. 


Earthquakes, please go away! We don’t want you here!

~ "C"
Stumbling upon this website called GoldeNet Australia where I drowned in so much adorable jewelry pieces and gemstones in a variety of elegant cuts and styles made my thoughts drift to the....



Are you waiting for it too?

In my own little corner of the world, the live telecast is airing on April 29, which I believe, starts at 2am California time.  Tell me, how will I pull that off?  I seriously want to watch it but I don't think I can handle the loss of sleep, knowing that I have to work that morning.  I'll see. 

I remember the first one I witnessed: Prince Charles and Princess Diana's when I was young.  I remember it very clearly, watching it with my grandmother, my parents, and my sisters (or sister? I'm not sure if the youngest was even born yet), and I remember opening a round candy can that had the Royal Wedding's label on the lid.  I think it was an original UK-sourced souvenir that an uncle gave us.  We ate some candy while watching, as if we were partaking in the wedding banquet.  It was cheesy, but symbolic.  It was something a beautiful memory is supposed to be.

And do you remember that mother of all engagement rings which now belongs to Kate? Lucky lassy! I remember it very vividly in my mind and even way before Prince William's proposal and the whole wedding plans, I really have been on the lookout for a similar style. 

Maybe for my right finger.  Because, my left ring finger, of course, belongs to the beautiful diamond ring my own prince gave me when he proposed, together with another band that he put on me on our own wedding day!

Beats royalty, I must say! 

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~ "C"
I caught myself smiling three times on the drive home from work. Caught myself three times but though my attention would drift away, I'm pretty
positive that I was continuously smiling throughout the half-hour drive.


I keep thinking about where I'm going for Saturday night, and the special reason why I impulsively decided to go!

Carpe diem!

My one little exciting secret! Nothing epic nor life changing. Nothing dramatically earth-shaking. It's nothing but a teeny weeny simple available joy that I decided not to deny myself of and I can't stop smiling. It's a good joyous thing.

And I wish you the same kind of smile that never leaves....

Sent from my iPhone

~ "C"
I'm really not one to uber-lust for material stuff but just consider me lucky because Wonder Hubby spoils me.  Throw in the fact that my shoe size is up there in the size spectrum...and so I always manage to snag a great deal (a steal in every sense!) on a last pair of good quality shoes.  I particularly like high-heeled platform shoes that look so stylish, especially those peep-toe ones (ooh lala!), a stride so comfortable they might as well have been runners, with the insides feeling like butter, so comfortable leaving my tootsies and me happy, even with mile upon mile of walking.  Despite my "Imeldific" tendencies(go figure), with about a...uhm...let's not go down to the numbers, I am not up there in the level of Choos and Blahniks.  How I wish? No, I don't.  This I can tell you, based on experience with attending those social functions...for me, Guess shoes are practical, and engineered brilliantly.  They can be high, but they won't leave you blistered and limping.  Same goes with BCBG shoes, you can take them dancing, and running, without realizing that they aren't tennis shoes, LOL. The third in my book are Steve Madden's although the designs and style overtake comfort by a few notches.  It's still a hit and miss for me.  My principle? I would much rather prefer a 50/50 ratio of style and comfort, for a good deal.  And don't mind the sizes, it's just a number. What matters is the fit.

I can go on and on about shoes but perhaps I can save that for a separate post.  Especially since I've always been asked my friends and family about how to pick the right pair in terms of cost, style, sizing and "walkability".  So dolls, I will "walk" you through this one day too. 

Plus choosing purses.  I only have one philosophy...don't have a closetful!  I mean, I know it's cute to match all the time, but if you want to exude elegance and class, you only have to invest in a few "good" ones that you can use over and over.  I am a Chanelophile in every sense... But you don't have to be...But I just want to remind you, hold off on plenty without quality.  My personal principle is "save the money, and go for quality", than keep splurging a few bucks all year here and there for something that won't last or hold value. But it's just my own two cents.  Maybe yours is different.  Well, I'll talk more about it in a separate post again one day.

I found myself writing about shoes and purses because the hubs just commented about it, "My wife's a "shoe head...a bag head....and now, a car-head?" 

(me and my baby, taken 2008)

He was just kidding.  This grey 325 broke down and so I had the privilege of driving the Wonder Hubby's black beauty for a couple of weeks, while Kobe (my grey 325) was undergoing some minor car repair.

He's been wanting me to drive Black Beauty (300 ZHP) but I kept holding back because I hate driving stick shifts.  After "bonding" with it, I almost didn't want to return it to him.  Shifting gears, the speed, the sound it makes, the TORQUE,  it gives you a good feeling, hahaha.  Ha, "torque", I think that's what triggered his comment.  When I said "torque", as if I know it like the back of my hand, as I do Coco Chanel's lambskin, caviar and double-flap engineering.  Teehee!

For the record, I am not a "car-head", if there is such a word.  But I understand more car lingo now being married to the real "car-head" himself....the mayor of car town.  Dinner is always a time for sharing stories of car problems and trouble-shooting them, and getting repair estimates even from websites (huh, I'm an expert with them now!), and even introduced me to a world consisting of valve adjustments, compressors, filters, differential fluids, coolants, ignition and rotor, intake manifold gaskets, steering rack, fuel injectors, axle/half shaft, pumps, radiator, spark plugs, suspensions, tie rod ends, catalytic converter replacements, car makes, years and models.....HA! This makes me the vice mayor of car town, teehee!

But honestly? I still can't be a "car-head".  I'm not picky. To me, a car is a car is a car.  My car principle? As long as I'm safe, and as long as I can GAS n GO, no matter what it is, I'll go for it.

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~ "C"

~ "C"

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kidzmet for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

  I just re-tweeted a quote I found online that I wanted to share with everybody:

"Just as a pre-packaged product is not the ONLY way to cook a dish, nor the ONLY dish we should consume, we cannot continue to think about a pre-packaged standard of intelligence to which we all aspire.

If we all ate the same foods—particularly if they were not our favorites—day in and day out for years, we would most certainly lose our desire to eat."

 "I would have liked it on Facebook as well, if only I wasn't abstaining from it for personal reasons, at least for the time being.

Anyway, give it a thought.  Especially where our children's learning is concerned, thought not entirely confined to it.  We, adults, can benefit from it too.  It's a good way to put it, not quite a paradigm shift, but a good model to base our goals on. 

I like the vision of the website where I'm getting this from.  It says, as we enjoy a variety of food, we must know and discover that there is also an infinite number of ways to prepare each dish and different iterations of ingredient combinations (like intelligence) ultimately creating endless possibilities of cooking a variety of dishes. And as we become grow in this art, our palates develop, we grow, and become masters yielding satisfying outcomes. It becomes a cycle that "feeds" itself, pun unintended.B

But they have a point at Kidzmet.  Are you aware of the theory of multiple intelligences? Forgive me if I am quite rusty in this arena (considering that the last time I dabbled in this turf was about a decade ago back when I was a 20-something human development psychologist-slash-child development specialist-slash-curriculum consultant-slash-kindergarten teacher, 40 lbs lighter, vegetarian, and lonely in a relationship for the dogs...not that I hated the job, in fact, I adored it, but as destiny would have it, fate sent my life careening wildly off its axis, ergo, a 180-degree turn, and now I have a fulltime deskjob in a bio research nutraceutical company, I blog, I paint, I cook (and I'm a carnivore though I still love veggie food), I wash dishes, and I'm a 24/7 happy and content wifey)...I digress... 

These are the following:

Linguistic Intelligence:

The ability to learn and the capacity to use it in the performance of day-to-day activities including in one’s profession. Children and or adults endowed with this type of intelligence use language as a means to remember information and reproduce it practically. They mostly shine in  writing, legal, journalistic, speech writing, training,  Teaching/Editing/Translating / Public Relations/ Media Consulting/ copy-writing TV Anchoring  to  name only a few.  (If you are a poet, you are in a higher plane of creativity in this type of intelligence!)

Logical Intelligence:

The ability to detect patterns, scientific temperament, application of logic in terms of cause and effect, performing mathematical calculations with ease and in effect looking for evidences in all the things that govern the performance of activities such as used in Pure Sciences, Engineering, Accountancy, Banking, and Trading

Kinaesthetic Intelligence:

For some individuals their brain works through their body parts in the carrying out of their tasks , controlling the body movements in an agile manner, using the hands and eyes in a skillful manner, and displaying their mental abilities to solve the problems.  Individuals with these skills have been shining and children if properly directed would shine in sports, aesthetics, and arts and crafts and in short anything that needs the application of the movements of the body in getting a task accomplished.

Spatial Intelligence:

Such individuals interpret the meaning of images in a recognizable manner, use the patterns of wide space, and could be categorized as creators of physical things through mental mapping.  They are naturally made for arts, design and crafts, inventing, fashion including costume designing, architecture including land-scaping and space consulting.  

Musical Intelligence:

Uhrm, I wish I had this. They say, musical intelligence is found to run in parallel with linguistic abilities and encompasses within itself the capabilities to compose and perform musical pitches, tones, and rhythms.  It is the awareness and appreciation of sound, recognition of patterns in rhythms, understanding the relationship between sound and feelings. Naturally successful breed of the professionals in this area is found in Musical composing and singing, Acoustic Engineering, Voice Coaching, (even Environmental Noise Pollution?)

Interpersonal Intelligence:

These individuals excel in working with and through others.  They understand the capacity, the intentions, and the motives that drive the individuals and seek to maximize it through the application of such skills.  Their excellence gets demonstrated in HR,  Training and Development including communications,  Organisational Development including development of leadership qualities, Education, Medical particularly caring and counselling, Training and Development including fostering  team work, and Leading Organization including Political Governance

Intra-personal Intelligence:

If interpersonal intelligence involves the capability to understand others, intra-personal could be equated to apply the same to within oneself in understanding self to actualize the maximum in one’s own potential. It is linked with Emotional Intelligence. 


So there you go, I lifted that from Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence to help you think outside the box, and shift your paradigm on the concept of intelligence, especially where our kids' learning is concerned.  Kids, like us, are born into this world bearing our own unique sets of gifts the potential of which can be maximized with proper training avenues and exposures.

I appreciate the thrust of Kidzmet and I hope that we all take a moment to understand what they propose.  They also match the children based on their gifts with the right mentors in order to achieve full potential.  In other words, Sushi for Sushi, Pasta for Pasta, and yes, if it's a combination of many as a lot are bound to have, buffet for buffet it is!

If you still don't get the drift,  please visit the site. And I also hope you consider their summer enrichment program.  Summer is just around the corner, but we still have enough time to prepare for the sake of the little "chefs" in our household. Don't take it, literally, wifey.

Visit Sponsor's Site

~ "C"
It was a confused scenario for my tooth today. 

The hubs and I went to have dental work done today.  We are so in sync, that yes, we even have our dental appointments together.  And lo and behold, we found out that we both have tooth fractures, his on the right and mine on the left.  And so this morning we submitted ourselves to the cruel arms of the dental chair.  We both survived the ordeal, thank you very much.  Although we also both came home with pain in tow.  Pain that screams of tramadol, yeah. Have you heard of that? Well, FYI my doll, tramadol hydrochloride  is a centrally acting opioid analgesic, used in treating moderate to severe pain.  So, uber-dramatic, eh?  Not really, the dental work really left us weak and hurting, but with promises of better masticating tomorrows, we just need to let the treatment and fillings settle in a few hours, and do the job for many months, and years. 

The hubs is luckier because his tooth fracture only needed some filling, mine was so bad that my dentist ground my outer tooth to smithereens, applied a temporary cap, and I am being called back in a couple of weeks for the porcelain.


It will be my pocket book's turn to scream  tramadol soon.

PS.  Don't neglect your teeth.  Oh don't you ever!!!

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~ "C"

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~ "C"
And that my dolls, is the exact reason why I didn't update as much (and snatch in even that tiny opportunity to write for moolah).  My nose has been stuck on my phone watching every You Tube clip of two celebs in all my waking moments (in between legit work of course).  I've recently found myself addicted to them following the opportunity to see them in recorded soaps from my hometown.  Awww what cuteness!  Sadly, just when I've finally become a fan, I learned that they are breaking up (for real and reel), and I am probably more heart broken than they are. So heart broken... Kim and Gerald.  Those are their names! And weehee, I gave myself away! I'm a big fan now!!!!!! But just when they are "no longer" *sigh*

This is actually revolutionizing my entertainment habits.  From Hollywood to Star Magic (PI), and I am proud! It's high time that I acquaint myself with the local actors and actresses as much as I follow my beloved Matt Damon's filmography...(plus, throw in my guilty-pleasure Jerseylicious and the Kardashians).  That's why too, I chanced upon a new video clip in You Tube featuring this other celeb's experience with Alcohol addiction treatment and I was quick to identify his name!  Pat on the back for me that I know these people now!!!

And I think I've leveled up even higher because I am even sincerely concerned about his struggle with rehab that I wish I can do something myself to make him get better.  Haha,  too much watching makes me feel like I know them personally already. And now I always hope and pray that they stay away from vices and harmful substances that are bound to destroy them and their professional careers eventually.

Aside from that,  I am also heartbroken when they are heartbroken.  Inconsolable. Like right now.

Now, hand me that tissue please!

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