~ "C"
I guess I've told you about the "minor" quake we experienced earlier.  My entire desk and cubicle shook in one quick jolt which was over before I even finished processing the event in my head and realized what was happening.  The only question I remember asking during that split second was..".Did my co-worker fall against the wall from the the other side of my cube again?".  And then, googling and a couple of minutes after, we learned that it was a 3.7.  Hopefully, the last to be felt by moi in a few years again considering that the last one was in '08 sometime around Halloween.

You want to know how paranoid I was after that? I actually debated on cancelling my monthly massage appointment thinking that I didn't want to be caught naked on a massage table when one of those seismic surprises strikes and the immediate thing we need to do is flee.  And what do you know, I cancelled anyway since my favorite masseuse wasn't in anyway.  I'll probably reschedule to this weekend. 

It was a good thing because I got home early and I was able to help my stepdaughter with her  speech project and PowerPoint presentation. I really enjoy it anyway because it helps stimulate my mental faculties and be up to date with information. 

And it feels good to be able to help.  College can be really tough, especially with a full load.  I know some students even rely on custom papers online .   In my daughter's case, I'm custom papers mama-line.


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