~ "C"
Here's my tweet earlier:

Pie in the oven, 2 article deadlines, a marketing plan, a tiny toothache...and I wanted to sleep early to stay up for THE WEDDING tomorrow!:(

That about summed up my thoughts and feelings tonight.  So far so good, except for my toothache which followed the dental work done on me last Saturday.  I wonder why it still hurts. My dentist literally pounded and dug and drilled on my molar like I.WAS.MADE.OF.STEEL  which of course isn't the case.And which of course, left me bruised on my chin and cheek because he pushed the new porcelain on what remained of my poor tooth.

If this persists, I'm going to go back to him.  It doesn't feel right.  I wonder if there was some negligence on his part....should I get the compensation calculator now and estimate my medical negligence compensation ? Hehehe. Just kidding.  Although I do know of some services that help people who are victims of negligence. 
Even a no win no fee deal. 

But really, all I want right now is to have my tooth situation back to normal so I don't have to deal with pain anymore.  Because I know that porcelain onlays are as permanent as a sealed deal unless you I submit myself to drilling, digging and poking all over again.  I seriously don't want to live with this kind of pain forever.

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