~ "C"
We've so far cleaned up all closets and drawers upstairs. We were supposed to go straight to the kitchen (although the pantry isn't that big a project really), but we jumped straight to cleaning up our garage because the hubs came home with his big ol' auto tech's toolbox from his parents' old house. Yes, he hauled that huge monster last Thursday with his brother. Good thing, the safe that they took (which belongs to my brother-in-law) will find its home someplace else, since they took it as well.

We certainly have no place for that big gunsafe in our house, and we have our own gunsafe which we bought a year ago, thank you very much. I'm not sure what will happen to the contents but I'm sure that they aren't touching it because I know that my late mother-in-law's jewelry is still intact in a briefcase somewhere in there. They are just waiting for word on what to do with it. I hope no one thinks my hubby and the brother stole it (if that word spreads, I'll be the first one to raise hell, you bet har har har). They just wanted moving the safe over and done with since they were hauling my hubby's ginormous toolbox anyway. I'm happy though, because I can actually use the work bench for my artsy-craftsy-fartsy projects too. Teehee!

We were spring cleaning alright. But it seems that we ended up with more clutter in the garage. Because while the hubs was at it, he also took his other belongings from the late parents' garage like our travel luggages, his fishing poles, fishing boots, the rifles (from the safe, LOL) hunter boots (which are old hunter wellies if I may add, I'd want to buy hunter wellies for him again soon because the old ones stink), then we have the snowboard gear, all camping paraphernalia etc. It's about time that we didn't leave anything in his parents' garage. It makes it easier for us so we don't need to schedule a trip if we need something.

Now, we have to buy overhead racks for these knick-knacks.

The home project never ends.

I should have focused on the kitchen pantry instead.

Next project: Curtains and plants!

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