~ "C"

I just blogged!


Visit my http://www.missclarisse.com and see for yourself that I’m really, honest-to-goodness working my way to get and claim my groove back!


And the writing opportunities (the paid ones) are coming back in trickles. More moolah to come! Plus the wonderful, dorky kind of joy and geeky kind of high I get from writing. I’m bouncing off the walls! I’m back to my old self.  I’m still busy as hell (what else is new) but I got a good schedule figured out!


Mondays-Friday:  8-5 work, blog (paid or not) during morning and afternoon coffee breaks.  Walk during lunch. Go home.  Cook.  Eat dinner with the hubs. [Insert specific task as stated below].  Call my parents (everyday or every other day).  Chill. Hug time/TV time with the hubs.


Monday nights:

Pursue my paint projects for my portfolio and other commissioned work I am slowly getting now.  The local art association is waiting for me, coaxing me to keep going because they have a spot for my art in their gallery. And I have orders! I’m a slave of art and I’m loving it! (Projects: Coffee paintings, Mixed Media Art and Wire-wrapped thingmajigs)


Tuesday nights:

Gymn with the hubs, then take care of stuff for my side-business.  http://www.cafepress.com/onebahaykubo.  There’s a lot of shirt and novelty item designs in my head and heck, I can’t sell my head!  The ideas have to materialize somehow.  It’s long overdue! And/or write my manuscript for my children’s book that is as long overdue! 


Wednesday nights:

Ha!  It’s Criminal Minds night so don’t take that away from me!!!  Well, I can do paperwork, filing and bills as I watch TV.  And maybe write paid jobs online to make sure I don’t miss deadlines (anymore!)


Thursday nights:

Gymn.  And don’t you notice I haven’t mentioned Facebook? Hehe.  Yup, nothing laborious for FB such as uploading tons of pics and stalking peeps.  That can wait. Thursday nights are…. well, free for now.  Unless you have something brilliant to suggest.  Or unless I can’t get my nose off a page-turner (electronic, that is) in my Kindle as always. Or maybe paint again.  Who knows where my creative juices and burning passion will take me?


Friday nights:

…are date nights! Eat out nights with the hubs!   Or eat in….movie nights!  One thing I love about Friday nights is that I can pull off an all-nighter and know that I won’t have to pay for sleepiness the next day.  How grand is that!


Saturdays: Sleep in. Do chores. Try a new recipe. Go out with the hubs. Or go to a party that we have a tendency to be invited to on a weekly basis.


Sundays: Church.  Chill.  And make sure to sleep early because…we gotta feel right on Mondays!









1 Response
  1. Rose world Says:

    Neat schedule u have there!

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