~ "C"
I have just finished my To Do list. Actually, it's more of a project list of major things that needed some accomplishing. You know, not like your ordinary do the groceries for dinner kind of thing. It's more of....
1) Refinance or Modify our Mortgage
2) Apply for a fictitious name for my home-based biz and submit it to City Hall (long overdue)
3) Check hubby's credit score (mine is enrolled in a monitoring program and I've got to do the same for the hubs)
4) Backyard improvement project
5) buy a shed
6) and other little dreams for improving our house (which may, or may not be done yet).

We're really into making our little castle look nice, not for ourselves but to increase its value. Hopefully those little milestones called Sweat Equity will do us good. I was just talking to my friend and he's doing the same thing, but with the help of San Diego Painting Contractors for his San Diego Interior Painting. He actually has a tougher project since the house is old and is in dire need of Popcorn Ceiling Removal San Diego.

Good thing our house is fairly "young" and new and is still generally updated in every nook and cranny. But still, a little sweat is always welcome. Wanna help us?

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