~ "C"
I'm tempted to write my thoughts in bullets, but I promised myself I will not do that here.  I only do that on my Coffee, anyone? site which, while looking like it suffers from lack of attention, is actually shaping an image of its own as a bulleted blog...and serves its own unique purpose.  For me anyway.

I've just been really "thinky" (hub's favorite unword) lately about my aunt who has gone missing since 2002.  The last time we heard from her was while she was still working at the United Nations in NY.  We had professionals check on her confidential records and found activity after the 911 disaster...so thankfully, we have a reason to hope that she wasn't one of the victims of the unfortunate incident.

We have a feeling that she went to France to build a new life there as she is so in love with its culture and countryside and spoke French fluently.  But being the wandering soul that she is, she could also be in Australia, the original place she migrated to prior to moving to NY, and prior to her apparent "incident" with some family members that could have triggered her desire to cut off ties and disappear into thin air.  I hope that my new uncle's attempts to find her via NYPD detectives will yield some news at least.

I've always admired her.  She led a really fabulous single life, perfectly suited for the lifestyle in New York.  Now, almost 10 years after her disappearance, I have thoughts and images of her in an independent living for seniors, considering that prior to her disappearance, she's had a handful of medical problems. I hope she's in the company of people who can take care of her as her second adopted family, especially that she doesn't have the first and original family to rely on now in her aging years.

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1 Response
  1. Toni Rose Says:

    bat andami moooo :( hahahahaha

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