~ "C"
I think the only thing I really don't enjoy about entertaining and holding parties at home (no matter how small) is cleaning up the day after.

Normally, the hubs and I tidy up the living room, the dining table, the buffet counters as soon as the guests leave.  The dirty pots and pans and used dishes get to stay soaking on soap and water on our kitchen sink until the next day when we have regained enough strength to load the dishwasher, manually wash the delicate china and wine glasses, steam wipe the counters, mop the floor, and put the entire room back to immaculate condition. It could be crazy because I hate using disposables aka paper plates and red plastic cups, and always insist on putting out the good ones...gold-rimmed fine bones on fab chargers.  Enjoy now, suffer later.  I take the LIFE IS TOO SHORT-USE THE GOOD CHINA NOW cliche seriously.  No, seriously, when will you use them?  Carpe Diem!

I also hate cleaning up the bathrooms....sanitizing both the toilet bowls upstairs and downstairs as well as the ceramic sinks and counters, not that we get sloppy guests....but I'm just OC that way. 

Last night was nice and fab. I don't mind entertaining often.  I just wish someone else can clean up for me.  Although I have nothing to complain about. The hubs is slowly putting away the dishes now, and for sure, he will be wiping the ceramic sink with Lysol wipes. 

Well-trained puppy.

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4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I like cleaning. It's some sort of a therapy for me. The process makes me not think of other things but the process itself, and seeing a clean, neat and fresh-smelling room or item makes me so happy.

  2. Toni Rose Says:

    aha! :))

    san ba yung isang blog mo? bakit ito yung naka register sa reader ko! hahaha

  3. ~ "C" Says:

    @Toni: What do you mean?

  4. ~ "C" Says:

    @Bingkee: I love to clean.....I adore regular household chores because they too are therapy for me

    .....but I HATE to clean up after a party! It's a lot different for me. HEHE

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