~ "C"
Trigger happy and aimless.

That sums up what I've done for this website so far today. Hey, at least I did something!

I still have't gotten a fra-la-la-shmalooting (I made up that word) tagboard like I said I would because Chatterbox is blocked by the fra-la-la-shmalooting firewall (now, you know what I meant by that new word).

Oh, I was going to discuss achievements.

Number one. I was able to include the free live traffic feed by Feedjit. I just realized I can get a customizable one based on my blog host in the same site. I'll deal with that later. Right now, I'm happy to see footprints on my site even if most of them are mine!

I've also managed to adorn the right side of my page with different gadgets like the Word of the Day, feeds from the blogs I RELIGIOUSLY follow (only five at the moment -- and two of them are popular people), a Blogroll of my blogosphere friends and real earth friends alike. Not that much, huh? Forgive me for my amnesia (progressing "senior moments" is more like it). Please leave me a comment if I forgot all about you and I'll be happy to add you! I also added other thingamabobs but this is only the beginning.

Don't worry, I won't end up with too much clutter around here. I tend to function better in cleaner environments anyway.

The next project is still a tagboard. You'll never hear the end of it until I am able to install one! Then making this blog known by enlisting in the top essential blog directories because gaining exposure for a blog is critical to building a following, readership, and revenue. And oh, revenue. The next step is sponsor-hunting, affiliate-hunting, and ad-serving. But they work better with sites that have been up and running for a while. I have to let this site age a little to better up my chances.

Oh Susanna, this is going to be a long and arduous process but since I was able to make it work with my Coffee, Anyone site, hopefully I'll accomplish the same here too. Hopefully even more, since this domain's mine!

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2 Responses
  1. my katiebug Says:

    now you can tell how i stalk your sites, just your site, k? harharhar have a good evening! :)

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