~ "C"
*drum roll*

Okay, no drum roll.

I'm a little stuck with my words even if I've been doing this way before blogging even became a household word.

So yippy! I'm bouncing off the walls! I finally have my own domain after some long drawn out vacillation. A milestone! "Wonder Wifey" is mine!

Why that title? Since I tied the knot with "Super Hubby" half a decade ago (holly molly, it's been that long?), I confidently christened myself that. Wonder Wifey I mean. He used to call me Wonder Woman -- nothing meaningful there, I just used to wear this favorite wonder-woman-wristband-of-a-bangle. And because! I'm in constant pursuit of being a domestic-slash-undomestic goddess while being a serious taxpayer in a real work setting by day (you know, a deskjob...being a full-time corporate pee-on, yada yada), a part-time blogger in between loads of laundry or trips to the pot to make sure I haven't burned the stew (does it burn anyway?), and being that uber-hot chick in the block, I mean, bedroom at night ***&*!#$@*&!*** in my dreams...

There you go! Not quite grand for a first post huh? But I came unprepared. Being the spontaneous and impulsive soul that I am, I just went ahead and got me the domain when this site fell on my lap without weighing anything else further. And why here?!? The answer is simple. Because it's SIMPLE, it has a relationship with Google so it said (whatever that is) and I don't need those fancy schmancy hostings and domains -- with my lifestyle, I don't have much time to manage the nitty-gritty anyway. I do remember a website telling people not to hold back from buying domains before it's too late because most of the good supercalifragilisticexpialicocious titles are selling like hotcakes if they haven't already. I can't let "Wonder Wifey" fly off the shelf to some other wristband-wearing-wonder-woman wannabe...and away from me *greedy*. Because between that and "Dancing Queen" which I also am by the way, uhrm uhrm... let's face it, last night at dance class, I had to stop for a moment when my breath took a hike while those highschool kids swayed their hips away to rigid tahitian drumbeats. Oh drat, I'm getting old. But I think can manage being Wonder Wifey forever. Well, this domain is mine for a year, let's see where this site takes me. Who knows, one day I might have to change into some kind of "Wonder Mommy" -- and that, my dear, is another long drawn out, exasperating yet exhilarating process.

But I will try to do away with some personal stuff here. I reserve that for my more senior blogs. I don't even know if I want to tie them up here *fishy*. But who knows again? I might wake up one day wanting things some other way, and so what? I do intend to make this a portal for my other homes on the net. I have some little ideas on what I want to add here...a smogasbord of sorts, perhaps something akin to an online home magazine with snippets for personal and professional use, food, housekeeping, advances in health and nutraceutical science (something I'm exposed to, professionally), Psychology (something I WAS exposed to, professionally), finances (something I'm very exposed to -- problems in particular LOL) and how to make money online (if I can come up with something brilliant that you still don't know about!!!) and yes, various thingamabobs that will potentially pay the bills -- well, who doesn't have that in their sites these days?

Let's see how this will evolve. I still need to think-rethink-think-rethink the process. Yeah, I'm suddenly saying this after I've already taken the leap. Sometimes, I function better after I've already committed. Because then, there's no way out. I have no other choice but to do everything right.

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1 Response
  1. PinayWAHM Says:

    Woo hoo! I'm here visiting you. It looks great...

    In no time you'll be using blogger like a pro...

    Let me know kung anuman ang maari kong maitulong......


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