~ "C"
It wasn't until my blogfriend Kaye of Wahmaholic wrote about our online store and me ("she has a host of blogs in different platforms") that I realized the many blogs and sites I own!!! And I'm proud and happy!

How do I divide my time? Honestly? I don't know. First of all, I'm blessed to have a fulltime job that allows me to do this on the side, schedule-wise. And I'm really just a very expressive and spontaneous soul who's blessed with so much to share (thoughts, art and what nots) and doesn't care what others will say. Good comments or bad, let's put it this way, I'm not out there to pretty up a reputation, bask in praises alone nor please everyone or at least appear like I do. What solely drives me is the prospect of resting with the thought at the end of each day that I have said what I needed to and hopefully touched someone's life with my own experiences. Sometimes, some people just really need someone else to hit it home for them. But I'm no perfect guru either. Just a peer who truly cares which direction one's life goes.

I now have TEN sites to maintain, eight of which are active and getting my attention regularly (like the octomom hahaha), though sometimes not evenly but I'm still able to stretch myself so it's all good. I'm thinking, should I purge my web presence? And zoom in to what is essential? If you were to ask me, I want to be out there more. Have more places, get another web hosting or vps hosting (read: checking out webhostinggeeks.com for dedicated server, domain needs and all). Another domain...like what? Something with the word "SUBLIME", after all, that's one of my pegs in life. Perhaps a mission? A calling? *LOL*

My iPhone has one app page dedicated to all the thumbnails of my sites. I'm glad that each site has finally grown to have their own identities, shaping up as I go along.

When do you say enough is enough? Whatever floats my boat, right? Whatever floats yours too!

And as long as you're there to keep talking to, dear follower or accidental reader, (or maybe even long after you've left), I'll keep sharing all of me.

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