~ "C"
Just when you think everything is going right, the rug gets pulled off your feet again. Hahaha.

I woke up with a toothache! Aaaargh, I hate toothaches.

I am not scared of any medical procedure, I can stomach gory, painful and bloody, or if it wasn't me, I can still stare and bear -- well, as long as these don't involve a dental chair!!! *hmmm rhyming*

Actually, this has been an off and on thing that I've been trying , and I mean, TRYING (!) my darnest to keep at bay with double/triple-brushing, mouthwash-chugging, obsessive-flossing and tequila-shooting. I was just joking (about the flossing har har!). I need to go back to Dr. M*****y but I don't like him. To rub salt to the injury, it does feel like a highway robbery everytime we see the bill, which of course we need to deal with all throughout the year and over as usually, the procedure costs an arm and a leg, and a HEAD!

I'm thinking, is it our dental plan that sucks or are we just real crazy-cavity people who end up always needing a drill and patch here and there. Should we shift to Ameriplan like my hubby's co-worker? I really should look into this. Our plan right now seems good enough but who knows, Ameriplan, which is an alternative to insurance, may be the answer to our dental woes. I believe that the bill is what adds to my dental phobia too. But looking back, I've never been fond of them. I've been through braces twice, some whitening (which reminds me, I need it again because of my coffee habit -- which-is-history-now-so-it-will-hopefully-last-longer-this-time, because I've just been rehabilitated from coffee and have been caffeine-free for two months now and counting and I'm not complaining...yadadada.....dddddaaaaaaaaaaaa) ...and lots of drilling, wisdom-tooth pulling and the whole nine yards. Not exactly the best feelings in the world.

Though I must admit that I owe my smile now to my two orthodontists. So, I can't complain! I need to take care of my teeth before they start committing suicide and start jumping off my gums.

I need to kick my arse and call for an appointment.


1 Response
  1. I also have the same experience with you. but now I have to do it, because it deals with my health.

    My hybrid car

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