~ "C"
I personally believe that more than standing out in a really unique and attention-grabbing halloween costume, it is the challenge of creatively putting one together that counts the most. I've been dressing up every halloween ever since I can remember, but I must admit that I'm guilty of falling back to the old reliable and trusty witch's hat and cloak over some lazy years.

Since dressing up for halloween is big at my workplace, today I came as an equestrian without spending a single cent. After all, shouldn't we be saving money for more essential things these days?

All of the pieces have been sitting in my closet and they are ordinary street clothes. My black schoolboy hat, my black corporate double-breasted jacket, a white shirt with collar underneath, a pair of white garden/rope gloves, a pair of soft-material slacks which I tucked inside a pair of black trouser socks, and my regular beat around boots. I know it's not the usual "hot" and slutty grown-up costume that you'd see but I try to pick classy over trendy at all times.

Here's my favorite part.

Mr. Horsie that I made from scratch:

Materials: Nike shoe box, water color paper, coffee to paint him with, some glue, a black sharpie, some tape and a swiffer duster handle! (That's my unicorn, Deidre, at the back carrying a tiny sack of lavender grains. He guards me at work *LOL*)


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