~ "C"
I'm so upset I got dinged with this once in a while sprouting like random mushrooms finance charge in one of my ONLY 3 credit cards. Usually, I'm very careful with TRYING to keep up with due dates but since I've been so busy for the past weeks, it simply went under my nose without me sniffin' it! Aaargh! And if you ask my husband, I'm like the mother of debt management counseling, having been able to resuscitate my husband's dwindling credit score from when he first met me, over a short span of time. *pat on the back for me* Why? We were able to buy a house last year!!! Woohoo!!!

It's still a struggle though, especially with the deteriorating economy. Hubby gets paid well, and my modest job compensates me alright and we're not really materialistic people but we know the kind of stuff we like and we go for it when the opportunity permits. Hubby and I would drool once in a while, but we both know better when to hold back.

I still don't know what's the point of me writing this. I'm just so upset with the finance charge, especially when I always try hard to be careful. I'm trying to save on a every dollar, especially when I've got my next major purchase already inked on my wish list. I'm not telling you. But this I can say, I am hoping to buy it NOT ON CREDIT so I'm trying to feed the piggy bank every change I get!
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