~ "C"
I got this from Kaye of Random Wahm Thoughts and Wahmaholic (button, button...*hint* *hint*) LOL

Thank God she gave me something to do here. HAHAHA.

The 8 Tag

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Our Hula show (Ho'ike 2009) on May 2nd. I'm doing three dances!
2. Hubby's big 4-0. I still haven't come up with anything!
3. A baby -- I think I'll be preggers soon *wishful thinking*
4. My mom and dad's visit/vacation here and spending quality time and bonding with them.
5. Losing more weight -- IT'S HAPPENING!!!
6. SUMMER - Summer Breeze, Summer clothes, and Summer activities, even if I hate Sunblock.
7. For this website to grow. It's stunted right now. :(
8. Our Patio / Yard project to start, so I can start hanging out by the fire pit at night or while hubby barbecues : oooh grilled corn on the cob and some hotdogs, tiki torches and paper lanterns, and Bob Marley singing...Sangria, dancing and water balloon fights.

8 Things I Did Yesterday.
1. Tried the new software upgrade at work. Breeze!
2. Gave my coffeemaker some general cleaning because I realized I have forgotten all about it.
3. Went to Safeway to buy meat on sale (including #4)
4. Ate Italian Sausages that hubby broiled in our new-fresh-off-the-UPS-truck NuWave oven.
5. Called my mom and talked to her for a full hour.*HAPPY*
6. Vegetated with hubby on our living room couch as we watched random stuff on TV
7. Reorganized my kitchen countertops
8. Went to Facebook and wasted a lot of time before going to sleep. No regrets though.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do.
1. Remember all my dreams when I'm already awake. I know I get really good and amazing ones everytime. The details and concepts are usually something I haven't even encountered in real life!
2. See my mom and dad, be with them 24/7 and take care of their needs.
3. Be at two places at one time, everyday: Philippines and US. My workplace and home. The bedroom and the kitchen. The gymn and my bathtub *duh*
4. Talk about some unfinished business with this old friend of mine (Hi "D" -- as if he'd see this). Just for closure. But maybe, some things are really just better left unsaid. Because it won't make a difference to both lives anyway.
5. Sing better and master more karaoke songs. LOL
6. Stop having traffic violations!!!
7. Sew very well and good enough to make my own clothes.
8. Afford to sponsor/support an indigent to school back home.

8 Shows I Watch
1. HGTV's Color Splash with David Bromstad
2. 90210 - The Spin-off; well, reruns too...
3. House
4. CSI
5. Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations
6. Top Chef
7. Samantha Brown: Passport to Great Weekends
8. Ghost Hunters International on SciFi

8 People I Tag.
1. Trina of Ketchup, Please?
2. Bingkee of I Love Hate America
3. Gina of Rain Angel Chronicle
4. Cindy of Thinking Beyond
5. Juliana of WAHM Talks
6. Mommy Glen of Mom Glen's Journal
7. Marites of Pinay Heart Wandering and Musings
8. Emzkie of Runaway Thoughts of Emz
4 Responses
  1. W-a-H-M Says:

    Hey! You tagged me here, too? Hahahaha.....will try to post the tag soon...

    *6. Stop having traffic violations!!! - Huwaattt??? I thought you're going to "give that up" after your very first ticket???


  2. my katiebug Says:

    yay, i got tagged again! thanks, clarisse! grab this soonest. :)

  3. ~ "C" Says:

    to J,

    That's what I thought too. But I found myself beating the red light a couple weeks ago. I didn't blog about it anymore. SO UPSET! HAHAHA

  4. okay, okay. i'm workin' on it! hehe. i only to get to work on it in the weekends when i don't have work, so forgive if i proceed at a snail's pace. but worry not. everything's all good :)

    and i'm so excited for your pregnancy (wishful thinking here too)

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