~ "C"

I hope you guys missed me because I missed you.  I have been up to a lot, as always, for the past 3 years.....what else is new....but lo and behold, something is new!
I have learned how to master the art of relaxation in my daily grind.  I am serious about it that I even now write it down and schedule it like it's another task to do...and it works!

That's also one of the main reasons why I have been in and out (mostly out) of blogging lately....well, at least temporarily while I am in the peak of fruitful and productive stuff.  I now make sure I allot some time to relax and stop, and so that's exactly what I do now.  And when you don't find me here, it's not exactly because I've really totally run out of free time.  It's most likely because I'm just getting me a good massage, or sleeping, or watching my favorite shows on TV while sipping on hot Camomile tea.  The works!

I have also made sure the my study/home office is very conducive to resting and not just working.  I am this close to putting up glow in the dark stars like those Kids Wall Decals  that I used to have in my room before I got married.  Maybe I will really go for it, because at night, it transforms to an open beach view of a beautiful night sky, albeit, faux stars!

Anyhoo..that's what I have been up to lately.  And oh, I'm easier on myself too.  If time doesn't permit, I won't force it.  

I'm sure there will be another time.  Rest is as important as work.  I think I have a balanced scale now. 

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3 Responses
  1. Rose world Says:

    Good for you. I also trying to learn to relax and finding way to balance between my work and family. Hard but it needs to be done!

  2. You make a good point there: rest is as important as work. I should invest some time to relax, as work almost always occupies my thoughts.

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