~ "C"
The hubs had the big 4-0 last year. One of the things I find amusing and cute about him is his excitement to get old despite the youthful and exuberant facade. He digs hip-hop like crazy still, even when we go out for a night in the town and start looking like chaperons instead. The radio is blasting when he does household chores, like you have a teenager in the middle of an angst-ridden identity crisis. He likes to be babied...to cuddle and to be taken care of (but aren't all grown men real tiny babies inside?). The thing is, he treats every 40-year old body ache as a milestone, an achievement so to speak. He takes pride in every sign and symptom of aging, instead of trying to fight the current. He embraces them, gracefully but without overdoing it. I like that.

Last year, he told me that he already has a style in mind should he start needing to wear prescription eyeglasses. He pulled me aside at the mall and showed me the style like a little child pointing to a piece of candy at the glass stand of the candy store. It looked a little bit like this:

But of course, he had to pick a designer one! It's something he would want to grow old prematurely for!!!By the way, that photo of the equally smart-looking pair above, is from The #1 online Rx glasses store and I'm glad I found it through Eric's Review of Zenni Optical because I will be able to run to it when the situation arises -- especially with pocket concerns. They also have the Lowest Price Progressive Glasses , something to keep in mind when the hubs' dream of looking old (gracefully) starts to set in, for real.

I'm thinking of getting him one just for kicks on his 41st birthday, even he doesn't need them yet. I'm sure they come in non-prescription ones too. You know, just for fashion statement purposes. It's amazing how people who need glasses don't want them and try their best to be treated (surgically or with laser technology) just to get rid of them. While those who have perfect vision, are green with envy and would resort to wearing costume non-prescription specs just to exude intelligence, be treated seriously, or to be admired and respected.

I know the hubs just want to speed it up in order to see what he will look like when he's...let's say...50.

Slow down, my dear. I'm not even done with my 20s yet. Yeah, right.

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