The hubs and I just came back from a really sumptuous scrumptious Chinese dinner in Alameda which is really not your typical MSG-in-a-box taste. I had a grand time chomping down the egg tofu and my favorite soup dimsum. Truly one of a kind. The place was packed and bursting at its seams with people, while the neighboring eats are dead it felt like twilight zone.
We miss Alameda. I miss the quaint town, the night crowd, the peace...Ah, what a life. It's been two years since we moved to another city but I'm happy that it's not too far to reach when we crave for the old digs we used to visit.
It doesn't seem like two years. It's not that I'm not happy with where we moved, but finally having our own house which we worked hard to afford? I cannot complain. One day, maybe we will move back to upgrade, and back to A-town in a new development there. Meanwhile, we're enjoying our place, and happy that we get to visit the old places still when we want to.
I can't believe its been two years since we moved. The memories are still fresh. Packing, moving, unloading, re-settling. I used to read “The BluePrint” which is a moving guide blog to keep people informed about issues, questions and concerns that come up when people are moving. It covers topics such as packing tips, parking issues, and storage and it offers an “ask the experts” tool where people can ask questions about moving. A really helpful resource for me. I was actually organized and systematic because of it. Moving is hard. Am I moving again? I intend to stay put for now.
Even if my most favorite dimsum place ever, is far away.

We miss Alameda. I miss the quaint town, the night crowd, the peace...Ah, what a life. It's been two years since we moved to another city but I'm happy that it's not too far to reach when we crave for the old digs we used to visit.
It doesn't seem like two years. It's not that I'm not happy with where we moved, but finally having our own house which we worked hard to afford? I cannot complain. One day, maybe we will move back to upgrade, and back to A-town in a new development there. Meanwhile, we're enjoying our place, and happy that we get to visit the old places still when we want to.
I can't believe its been two years since we moved. The memories are still fresh. Packing, moving, unloading, re-settling. I used to read “The BluePrint” which is a moving guide blog to keep people informed about issues, questions and concerns that come up when people are moving. It covers topics such as packing tips, parking issues, and storage and it offers an “ask the experts” tool where people can ask questions about moving. A really helpful resource for me. I was actually organized and systematic because of it. Moving is hard. Am I moving again? I intend to stay put for now.
Even if my most favorite dimsum place ever, is far away.
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