~ "C"
For a change, hubby and I stayed home all day today. This, I must tell you, happens only once in a blue moon. We decided to take it slow three years ago and after a thousand or so days, we're finally achieving the goal. Hahaha. It's about time. We've been running on emergency mode for a long time, and all the steady adrenaline rush has started to wear me out lately, but I'll spare you the gory details.

I'm glad we stayed home, watched or rather surfed though shows on Direct TV, napped as we pleased, ate, filed (the neat freak in me had to scratch that nagging itch emanating from the home office), hubby installed a new flourescent lamp in the garage, I folded some laundry (catching up*pat on the back!*)...

Life is good.

Tomorrow, we'll probably just play it by ear too. After church, we'll most likely go around and buy stuff that we already need (like toothpaste and rice) and go on practicing living a stress-free weekend. I am pretty sure this is going to be short-lived again since we're pretty much booked again for the next three weekends of November.

Next weekend, we'll be going to Reno for a gunshow. I love gunshows! They made some marketing changes lately and started putting up booths that lure the wives--jewelry, accessories and those thingamajingies. Hubby just realized one problem though. He had forgotten that it was going to be Pacquiao fight weekend and that he had previously committed with some friends that we'll be watching with them. Uh-oh. If you're going to ask me, I'll forego the gunshow. Manny Pacquiao has really grown into me through the years and I can't miss that fight. But as a good wifey, I will go where hubby goes...though I hope and pray that there will be Direct Satellite TV where he goes so I can watch the fight. Well, Pacquiao is an international sensation so I guess one can view the match anywhere (Direct TV in California rocks!)

The weekend after that, we're throwing a baby shower for my sister. We've finally set a date, but I'm lagging on the Evites. Uh-oh, stress alert!!!

And then Thanksgiving! We're hosting this year again. That would be fun!

Busy aren't we? Now you know why I'm loving my Saturday today!!!

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